Experienced Rails Engineer - 6 Month Project

Engineering /
Independent /

Submit your application

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  • Pronouns

    • Let Silverfin know what pronouns you use so that they can address you correctly.


Ruby Questions

  • What timezone are you in?✱
  • What are the pronouns we should use for you during the application process?
  • How did you hear about this job?
  • Why do you think this job and Silverfin are a good fit for you?✱
  • What's wrong with this code? List all the things you would change or do differently, and why: class User < ActiveRecord::Base scope :recently_created, where("created_at <= #{Date.today - 2.days}") end✱
  • Describe a recent technical solution or achievement that you are proud of. Anything goes, from a tiny one hour ticket to a large system, we are interested in how you think and your ability in technical writing. Please write at least a few sentences explaining the challenge and your solution, each.✱
  • When can you start?✱

Visma Questions

  • Have you ever worked for another Visma company, either currently or in the past?
  • Please specify the company and your role: