Senior JavaScript Developer

Engineering /
Independent /
If you’re any good at JavaScript, this is probably not the first job ad you’ve seen, so we’ve done our best to stand out while also accurately presenting what we’re all about. If it sounds like you would enjoy working with us, don’t hesitate to apply or drop us a line with questions on

What are we looking for?

    • You have at least 5 years of professional experience in JavaScript / TypeScript
    • You have substantial experience using JavaScript framework(s), understand the value of them, but also know when plain JavaScript is enough
    • You are proficient with the component based architecture paradigm
    • You’re up for mentoring coworkers and can give in-depth, productive feedback during code reviews. While you appreciate the small stuff, you recognize bikeshedding and can avoid its pitfalls
    • You code with reason and can justify the important decisions you made during development
    • You can communicate clearly in English, both written and verbally
    • You can take the lead on deciding JavaScript best practices. That means the usual like testing, and refactoring; but also higher level concepts such as separation of concerns
    • You're aware of the trade-offs involved in engineering, product design, as well as the bigger “business” picture
    • You’ve got opinions on code design and you can discuss them, but you’re professional enough to not let those opinions get in the way of a consensus if necessary
    • Your work hours have some overlap with EU business hours (we require your local timezone to be within CET +/- 3h)

Nice to have’s

    • Experience as a remote worker in a fully remote team
    • Experience with Rails, or other backend frameworks
    • Experience with TypeScript
    • Experience with Tailwind CSS
    • Experience working with a design system
    • An eye for detail
    • These would be nice but are definitely not necessary. Don’t worry if none of the following applies to you.

What can we offer you?

    • Actual, proper work-life balance
    • A salary range of €99,363.18 - €134,432.54 a year
    • Choose your own working hours and work 100% remotely
    • Personal growth training and opportunities
    • Join a distributed remote-first engineering team with 30+ colleagues in 10+ different countries
    • A refreshing work environment with professional, friendly and welcoming colleagues
    • A €1000 yearly budget for conferences, courses, workshops or other expenses that will improve your skills
    • For the fourth year in a row, we offer monthly company-wide Wellbeing Days for all employees (once a month in 2024, except in July and August)
What’s a Silverfin?
At Silverfin we’re trying to apply the promise of software to the age-old industry of accounting. With our SaaS we’re automating a large chunk of the busy-work that accountants are currently handling manually, and are building new tools so they can provide better services to their customers. We aim to optimize their workflow in such a way that accountants can spend more time on the much more impactful and rewarding work of advising their customers, the business owners.

The good news is we’re succeeding in doing exactly that. Every day we serve 4M page views to thousands of financial service professionals, who use Silverfin to help and advise more than 450K businesses. Our customers adore us! The even better news is there’s still plenty left to work on, and that’s where we hope you come in.

What would a day in the life of a Front-End team member look like?

You start your day by checking the focus column on the Front-End team kanban board. You pick the next prioritized item, which was ordered during this week's grooming session with the Product Manager. This week’s focus is bringing the updated website navigation live, so you ensure the side panel matches the Figma design provided by the design team. You've already reviewed the design and addressed any inconsistencies in the animation with the design team. Looking ahead, next week’s task involves maintaining and upgrading Webpack to fix an issue with asset building in our CI pipeline.


As an expert in our Front-End ecosystem, you join a grooming session with a product team needing help with a new Vue modal for attaching multiple documents in a form. As part of Team Front-End you are expected to offer your consulting services as well to other teams that might be lacking in Front-End expertise. You suggest extending an existing modal component to support multiple document uploads, simplifying the task. Thanks to your input, the team can now better estimate their work.


After lunch, you notice a question in the dedicated front-end channel on Slack from an engineer asking how to center a div. You take some time to provide a solution using Tailwind CSS.


The navigation changes are progressing well; your Jest unit tests are green, and the end-to-end specs show no failures. You request a review from Product and your fellow engineers. The side panel addition will contribute significantly to the overall redesign of the Silverfin app navigation. Finally, you unwind by completing some pending merge request reviews you received notifications about on GitLab.

What makes the engineering team at Silverfin special?
We’re a remote-first engineering team of 30+ people distributed in 10+ different countries on two continents. A priority for us is maintaining proper work-life balance. We avoid meetings as much as possible, accept deadlines only when absolutely necessary, and never expect anyone to work longer hours than they’ve signed up for. A day in our working lives is pretty boring in this regard, and we feel that’s exactly how it should be.

Working with us means you can be flexible with your schedule. It’s OK to disappear for a few hours in the middle of the day to run some errands, get a haircut, pick up the kids — whatever reason, you don’t need to explain yourself. You also fully decide when you take time off: our team is sufficiently varied and well organized that there are always enough people around to handle the load, and in the rare cases it’s not, we will decrease the load instead of asking people to move their holiday.

Being remote-first means we favor asynchronous communication. We don’t shy away from chatting in Slack, but the important decisions or discussions are done in Gitlab issues, over email, or in our wiki, so there’s a written, persisted record. We’re mindful of maintaining long chunks of focussed time, which means we avoid @-mentions or PMs on Slack, and other triggers and interrupts. We encourage using Slack’s DnD function, especially when you’re not working!

We’d be really happy to welcome you in our #engineering channel, but it’s not just virtual: we make sure we regularly get to see each other in real life too. Twice a year we fly the whole engineering team together to a different location in Europe, and at least once a year we join up with the rest of the company so we can get to know some the people in the other departments. Well, that was the case pre-covid, and we’d love to get back to that asap. Meanwhile we’ve replaced those retreats with virtual variants where we’ll have workshops, do security challenges and play the occasional round of among us.

What does working at Silverfin look like?
We work in nimble teams around 5 people in size, with each team taking ownership of a specific set of features of the application. Teams are responsible for a full slice across the stack, so both the backend as well as the frontend of each part is maintained by the same people.

As a Senior JavaScript Developer, you will set the JavaScript best practices as well as assist and train the engineers when they are building front-end heavy features. You’ll also work together with the Product team, which includes building Proof of Concepts for usability tests when we’re designing complex features. This allows us to validate the assumptions we make during product design. You will also maintain and extend the front-end tooling that we have in place to enhance the developer experience for everyone that works on front-end code.

We use Vue.js and TypeScript for the interactive parts of our application, and an up-to-date Rails monolith for the backend. We favor Tailwind CSS for styling. Rails renders the html for the less interactive parts of the application. We use PostgreSQL and Redis for persistence and caching, and everything is running on a Kubernetes cluster in Google Cloud. Our daily tools include GitLab, Quip and Slack, with Google Meet as our remote conferencing tool of choice.

No code gets deployed without a code-review by a peer and testing is a must. Our pipeline automates deployment when the suite is green, and deploys happen dozens of times a day. Each team is currently doing Kanban, but they’re free to follow whatever process suits them best. We regularly hold retrospectives to work towards continuous improvement.

Software for accountants is not considered to be very exciting, but we have our fair share of interesting challenges. To give you a sense of scale: our database exceeds 10TB, and our largest table crossed the 10 billion row mark. We interface with more than 30 different external APIs, and provide third parties an API of our own.

What does your future look like?
Personal growth is key to staying motivated. At Silverfin you don’t need to move to management in order to get promoted. We see the individual contributor track and the management track as two different growth paths which every engineer can follow and switch between. You can be promoted, including pay raises, as a contributor just like as a manager.

Everyone has a €1000 yearly budget to spend on conferences, courses, workshops or other training to improve their skills and level up. This also includes accommodation and travel costs. If the conference is on a workday you’ll get paid like any normal day.

Apply for the job right here
Or email us with any questions on