Membership Manager - London

Operations – Coworking /
Full-time /

Submit your application

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Application questions

  • Tell us about what Work Happiness means to you?
  • Tell us about the proudest moment in your career?
  • Share a time where you have driven a business or workstream as if it were your own?
  • You'll be running a small team of three. How do you go about building new relationships with your team?

General questions

  • What's the range of your salary expectations for your next role?
  • What is your notice period from your current role?
  • Please confirm your right to work status?

Work.Life Diversity & Inclusion Survey

The following 3 minute survey will enable us to learn about the different identities and backgrounds of the candidates applying to Work.Life. This survey is not required as part of our recruitment process, it is strictly voluntary, but we'd really appreciate your response as it helps us determine whether our current recruitment strategy is capturing a wide enough audience and whether our hiring process is inclusive and fair to everyone. You may find that the questions are sensitive - please know that your responses are private and all this data is handled anonymously, so cannot be linked to you. This survey will not impact your opportunity to work for us. This information will be kept secure and confidential and will be used solely to evaluate our diversity and inclusion efforts. Our privacy policy explains how we collect and process your data in accordance with GDPR. If you have any questions, please email

  • What is your age range?
  • I identify my ethnicity as

    Select all that apply

  • What gender do you identify as?
  • What is your sexual orientation?
  • How do you describe your disability / ability status?
  • What religion do you follow?
  • What is your household income?
  • What's your highest level of education?

  • By applying for this position, your data will be processed as per Work.Life Privacy Policy.