Staff Software Engineer II - ML/CV

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Maps – PU ADAS & ADS /
Employee, Full Time /

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Location Netherlands

  • Do you currently reside in the location where the role is posted? This position is based in Netherlands. Therefore, we are only able to accept candidates that already live here.

Expected Compensation - Netherlands

  • Please provide a range of what you're looking for in terms of annual gross salary. (including the 8% holiday allowance)

Staff software Engineer II - (ML/CV)

  • Imagine you need to design a new system to handle a high volume of real-time data processing. How would you approach this, and what key design principles would you prioritize?

Demographic Survey

Why are we collecting this information? We are asking you for the gender you most closely identify with, so that we are able to measure and report on our ongoing Diversity & Inclusion efforts. Providing this information (or not providing it) will not affect your application for employment, or be considered by TomTom as a part of its hiring decision.

  • What gender do you most closely identify as?

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