Affiliate Business Development Manager (Brazil market)

Country Growth – Country Growth BRA & COL & PHL /
Remote, Full-time /

Submit your application

  • LinkedIn profile

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Business Development Manager (Brazil market)

  • Are you native or bilingual in Portuguese?
  • Do you have professional proficiency in English (B2 level)?
  • Are you located in Brazil?
  • Do you have previous experience in Fintech / Betting industry?
  • Do you have previous experience on a similar position?
  • Do you have previous experience with affiliate marketing?

General Application Questions

  • Do you have the legal right to work in the country where you reside?
  • Are you based in the US?
  • What is your notice period?
  • How did you hear about this job opportunity?
  • Any additional files you think would be useful /Portfolio, Cover Letter, etc./.