Spontaneous application here

Dietikon, Zurich, Switzerland
All Departments – Spontaneous Application /
Full-time, open for Part-time /

Submit your application

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Nice to have

  • Work certificates / Additional documents
  • Salary expectation (yearly base salary)
  • Earliest starting date


  • I agree to the processing of my personal data provided in the application for employment and in my CV on the protection of personal data for the purpose of registering my person as a potential employee in the company Optotune Switzerland AG. I grant my consent from the date of receipt of the application for a period of 3 years. All the information I have provided in my CV and in my application for employment have been provided to Optotune Switzerland AG voluntarily and are true. You can find further information in our privacy policy below.

  • By applying for this position, your data will be processed as per Optotune Privacy Policy.